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1979                   Harvard University, GSD, Master of Architecture                                             

1978                   Rice University, School of Architecture Bachelor of Architecture               

1976                   Rice University, School of Architecture, Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and History of Art


2021                   Val Glitsch, FAIA, Houston, TX

2018                   Val Glitsch, FAIA, Bend OR

2015                   Val Glitsch, FAIA, Eugene OR     

2014-15            Principal, BRAVE/Architecture, Houston         

1984-2014       The Architecture Studio of Val Glitsch FAIA, Houston           

1979-84            Wm. T. Cannady & Associates, Inc., Houston

1978                   Bernard Johnson, Inc., Houston

1976-77            De Architektengroep VDL, Amsterdam, Holland,  Project Designer, Public Housing





2016                  Registration, Oregon Architect, #11448

2014                  Texas Society of Architects, President

2013                  Texas Society of Architects, VP/President-elect

2011-12            Texas Society of Architects, Chair, Honor Awards Committee

2011                  Texas Society of Architects, Website Task Force

2009-10            Texas Society of Architects, Vice President/ Outreach Commission: Design Awards, Publications, Honors, & TSOT

2006                  Member, US Green Building Council

2006-09            Board of Directors, Oak Hill Academy, Dallas

2005-06            Texas Society of Architects, Chair, Publications Committee

1997-2007       TexasArchitect Publications Committee

1995                  Fellow, American Institute of Architects

1981                  Member, American Institute of Architects

1980                  Registration, Texas Architect #7924

1980-2015       Member, Rice Design Alliance





2016                  Adjunct Instructor, School of Architecture & Allied Arts, University of Oregon, Vertical Studio 484/485, “Affordable Housing”

2002                  Visiting Professor: School of Architecture + Planning, The University of New Mexico, Graduate Studio “M,” Masters Degree Studio

2000                  Visiting Professor: Bullock Endowed Chair, School of Architecture, Texas A+M University, Graduate Studio: “Methods of Making,” Spring           

1997                  Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas, School of Architecture, Third Year Studio: “Sound Building”

1996                  Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas, School of Architecture, Second Year Studio + Visual Communications Courses

1995                  Visiting Critic, University of Texas, School of Architecture, Advanced Studio

1984-87            Visiting Critic, Rice University, Sophomore Studio with John Casbarian, FAIA

1978                  Teaching Assistant, "Architecture for Non-Architects,” Rice University, for Professor John Casbarian





2015                  BuildDirect Blog: Life At Home, “The 15 Best Architects in Houston,” Amanda Miller

2014-15            “Women in Architecture: 1850 To the Future,” AIAHouston Travelling Exhibit and Film

2013                  Mayor’s Proud Partner, “Keep Houston Beautiful,” 4415 Perry

2013                  Houston Business Journal, “Landmark Awards,” Green Project finalist, 4415 Perry

2012                  US Green Building Council, LEED for Homes Platinum Certification, 4415 Perry

2012                  Award of Excellence, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 2424 Sakowitz

2012                  Award of Merit, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, 2424 Sakowitz

2011                  Houston Business Journal, “Landmark Awards,” Green Project, 2424 Sakowitz

2011                  USGBC, LEED-for Homes Outstanding Affordable Developer: New Hope Housing, 2424 Sakowitz

2011                  Mayor’s Proud Partner, Certificate of Recognition, “Keep Houston Beautiful,” 2424 Sakowitz

2010                  US Green Building Council, LEED for Homes Platinum Certification,2424 Sakowitz

2009                  ULI North/South America, Development Award of Distinction, Finalist Canal Street Apartments

2009                  “Stars of Design,” Category: ‘Architecture,’ Decorative Center Houston

2009                  ULI Houston, Development Award of Distinction, First Place, Canal Street Apartments

2007                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, New House for Elaine, Houston

2006                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, SRO Housing: The Canal Street Apartments, Houston

2005                  First Place, National AIA Photography Competition, Sponsored by AIA/St. Louis, “In Between”

2004                  AIA/Houston Architecture Merit Award, Colquitt Street Studio, Houston

2000                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, Lunning House + Studio, Houston

1998                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, Grinstead-Wood House, Wimberley

1997                  AIA/Houston “On the Boards”, First Place, Corner House, Scholarship to June 1997 Aspen Design Conference

1997                  AIA/Houston Renovation Merit Award, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Houston

1995                  Fellow, American Institute of Architects

1995                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, Unitarian Fellowship of Houston, Joint Venture Project with Natalye Appel, AIA

1994                  "Small Firms/ Great Projects," Juried Exhibit to TSA Chapter Cities, Bennett House+Studio, Houston

1993                  Texas Society of Architects Honor Award, Bennett House+Studio, Houston

1993                  "Texas Pioneers"/ Exhibit of Drawings and Models/ Invitational Exhibit by the AIA Women in Architecture Committee/Dallas AIA

1993                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, Bennett House+Studio, Houston

1992                  "Young Architect Award"

1992                  AIA/Houston "On the Boards," Merit Award, Bennett House+Studio

1991                  AIA/Houston Architecture Honor Award, Schiebl House

1991                  AIA/Houston Interior Architecture Merit Award, Avant House

1990                  AIA/Houston Architecture Citation Award, Obolensky Weekend House

1990                  AIA/Houston "On The Boards,” Award, Schiebl House

1989                  AIA/Houston "On The Boards,” Award, Dora Street Townhouses

1988-91            National AIA Juried Traveling Exhibit, "That Exceptional One: Women in American Architecture, 1978-1988" McAshan Townhouse

1987                  AIA/Houston House Tour, "Renovate The Ranch" Metropolitan Home Re-do

1987                  Merit Award, First National Bank of West University, "First Awards: Renovation of a Residential Structure "Renovate the Ranch," MetHome 

1986                  Merit Award, First National Bank of West University, "First Awards: Addition to a Residential Structure"/ Glitsch/Hester House Additions

1985                  Houston Heights Association Community Improvement Award, First Place, Residential Renovation/ Glitsch/Hester House

1985                  First Place, First National Bank of West University, "First Awards: Renovation of a Residential Structure/ Glitsch/Hester House

1981                  Citation, Progressive Architecture, "28th Annual P/A Award, McAshan Townhouse

1978                  Harvard University, GSD Archives, Fall Studio, Professor Soltan

1976                  Rice University, William Ward Watkin Competition + Travelling Fellowship, First Prize

1976                  Rice University, E.B. Arrants Medal in Architecture

1976                  Rice University, M.N. Davidson Fellowship for Travel

1976                  Rice University, James Chillman Award in Graphics, Senior Portfolio

1972                  Hockaday School, Vassar Club Writing Award, Hockaday School, Mathematics Trophy



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2014                  Peter Holley, “The Houston Five, Today’s Best Residential Architects,” Houstonia, January, p. 43

2003                  Nonya Grenader, FAIA, Texas Architect, 11/12, p. 14-15,  “Val Glitsch, FAIA, Texas Architects 2014 President,”

2013                  Filo Castore, AIA, Texas Architect, 5/6, p 24-29, “4415 Perry Street” in Open House, Perry SRO, New Hope Housing

2010                  Stephen Sharpe, Texas Architect, 1/2, p 26, ‘Paperwork’, Sakowitz Apartments, New Hope Housing

2008                  William T. Cannady, FAIA, Editor, The Things They’ve Done, Review of Selected Recent Graduates from the Rice  School of Architecture

2006                  Clifford Pugh, “Architectural Gem on a Shoestring Budget,” Houston Chronicle, April 17, E1+12, AIA/Houston Architecture Design Awards: 

                            Canal Street Apartments, New Hope Housing

2007                  Donna Kacmar, Texas Architect,  3/4, ‘Canal Street Catalyst’, Canal Street Apartments, New Hope Housing

2006                  Ashley St. Clair, Texas Architect, 1/2, p 13, ‘Low Income Housing Brings “New Hope” to Low-Income Residents of Second Ward”, Canal

                            Street Apartments, New Hope Housing

2005                  Linda Barth, Houston House & Home, 12, p 38-41, “High Design, Low Rent, New Hope”, Canal Street Apartments, New Hope Housing

2005                  Linda Barth, Houston House & Home, 10, p 36-41, “Mindfully Modern: A Controlled Palette of Colors and Material”, Smisek-Strassmann House

2001                  Rebecca Boles, Texas Architect, 3/4, Cover,p 26-27, “Rural Archetypes” Gilbert House, Lovelady

2000                  Mark Oberholzer  Texas Architect, 11/12, p 34-35, “Threshold to Privacy”, Lunning House + Studio

1999                  Michael J. Crosbie Architecture For The Gods, Recent Religious Architecture in the Americas, Images Publishing, pp 50-51, Unitarian Fellowship of


1999                  Madeleine McDermott Hamm, Houston Chronicle, D1, March 20, "Houston Home Tours", Glitsch-Inman House

1999                  Editors, AIA Perspective,  3/4, “AIA Houston Residential Home Tour March 27, 28”, Glitsch-Inman House

1998                  Editors, AIArchitect, June, Component News, “AIA Houston Celebrates Architecture”, Grinstead-Wood House

1998                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, April 6, “Architects’ Designs Capture Eyes of Judges”, Grinstead-Wood House

1998                  Editors, AIA Perspective, June, “1998 Design Award Winners”, Grinstead-Wood House                                                                                    

1997                  Susan Williamson, Texas Architect, 7/8,  “Almost like the real thing”, UT Studio/Teaching Projects  Rice Design Alliance, "Houston Works" 1997, 

 Cornell Pardue House

1997                  Editors, AIA Perspective, March, “Val Glitsch, FAIA, Wins On the Boards Best of Show” Cover, Cornell Pardue House and “Jury Awards Nine

 Projects in 1997 Design Awards Program”, First Unitarian Universalist Church

1997                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, April 12, “Rewarding Excellence”, First Unitarian Universalist Church

1995                  Joseph Giovannini, Metropolitan Home,  7/8, “Showing Their Metal”, Bennett House + Studio

1995                  Drexel Turner, CITE Magazine, Spring, "Powers of Tin", Bennett House+Studio

1995                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, April 8, ”Seven Projects Win Top AIA Awards”, Unitarian Fellowship of Houston

1995                  Editors, AIA Perspective, April, “Three Chapter Members Named to College of Fellows” + “1995 Design Awards”, Unitarian Fellowship of Houston

1995                  Deborah Mann Lake, Houston Post, March 19, “Houston Chapter Bestows Honors on Architects”, Unitarian Fellowship of Houston

1994                  Linda Barth Houston Life, June 19-July 16, "This Is Our Pretty House", Guadalupe Social Services Homeless Housing

1994                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, May 20, "Houston Architects Show Their Stuff”,  RDA Exhibit, "Best Laid Plans”

1994                  John Morris Dixon, PA Plans, April, "Libraries And Religious Structures", Unitarian Fellowship Of Houston

1994                  Roy Durrenberger, Houston Chronicle, April 23, "Tour Of Sixth Ward Tin Houses", Bennett House + Studio

1994                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, April 23, "Metal Structures Hide Design Gems", Bennett House + Studio

1994                  Deborah Mann Lake, Houston Post, April 16, "Tin Fan Alley”, Bennett House + Studio

1993                  Gabrielle Cosgriff, Texas Architect, November/December, Cover, "A Congregation Builds", Unitarian Fellowship Of Houston

1993                  Barry Moore, FAIA, The Houston Press November 4, "Spirituality without Stained Glass",  Unitarian Fellowship of Houston

1993                  Deborah Mann Lake, Houston Post, October 31, "3 Houston Projects Receive Awards In Design Competition, Local Architects Praised By Texas

Society”, Bennett House + Studio

1993                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, October 18, "Catching The Eye: Church Among Noteworthy Projects By Women Architects", Unitarian 

Fellowship of Houston

1993                 Shannon Smith, Texas Architect, September/October /Cover, "39th Annual TSA Design Awards: Light And Easy”, Bennett House + Studio

1993                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle September 20, "Houston Architects Among TSA Award Winners", Bennett House+Studio

1993                  Editors, TSA Report, June, "1993 TSA Design Award Winners Chosen In Austin", Bennett House+Studio

1993                  Editors, Texas Architect, May/June, "Eight Winners Named"/ Houston Annual Design Awards”, Bennett House+Studio

1993                  Deborah Mann Lake, Houston Post, March 27, "Design Awards: Space As Art", Bennett House+Studio

1993                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, March 27, "Houston AIA Names Design Awards For 1993", Bennett House+Studio

1993                  Deborah Mann Lake, Houston Post, March 21, "Women Architects Honored", Dallas AIA Exhibit

1993                  Editors, Columns, March, "AIA Gallery Exhibit"

1992-3              Mark Wamble, Cite Magazine, Fall/Winter, "Five Houses: Domesticity and The Contingent City”, Schiebl House

1992                  Editors, Texas Architect, May/June, "Eleven From Houston”, Schiebl + Avant Houses

1992                  Editors, Houston AIA Perspective, May, "Glitsch Named Young Architect 1992"

1991                  Deborah Mann Lake, Houston Post, October, "Winning Architects Draw on Innovative Styles”, Schiebl + Avant Houses

1991                  Ray Don Tilley, Architecture, October, "Women In Architecture: Texas Pioneers”, Schiebl House

1991                  Ann Holmes, Houston Chronicle, January 29, "Outstanding Architecture, Panel Cites Excellence In Residential Designs” Schiebl + Avant Houses

1991                  Pam Lewis, Houston Post, January 5, "Waves Of Honors Go To Homes”, Obolensky House

1990                  James H. Roper, Decorating Remodeling, March, "Revamped Ranch”, Berube House

1990                  Joel Warren Barna Domain, January/February, "What's Next: Women In Architecture"

1989                  Editors, Houston Business Journal, April 24, "Ranchburgers' Ripe For Remodeling/Razing"

1989                  Editors, Houston Woman, March-April, "Women Architects in Houston"

1988                  Michael McCullar, Austin-American Statesman, December 4, "Architect's Fanciful Avian Dwellings Not Just For The Birds", TFAA Exhibit

1988                  Jerry Young, Austin-American Statesman, December 2, "Exhibit Cages Flights of Fancy”, TFAA Exhibit

1988                  Pam Lewis, Houston Post, October 25, "Creative Couples"

1987                  Judith Urrutia, Texas Architect, September/October, Cover, "Texas Architectural Interiors Now”, Zvonkovic + Block Houses

1987                  Pam Lewis, Houston Post Magazine, April 19, "Architects On Houston's Horizon, A Look At The Builders Of Tomorrow"

1987                  Betsa Marsh, Creative Ideas For Living, April, "On The Homefront Of Design", Glitsch/Hester House

1987                  Editors, Qualified Remodeler, February, Cover, "Addition Links Indoors, Outdoors", Gelb House

1987                 Joanna Krotz, Metropolitan Home:  Renovation Style, "The  Magazine Make-Over",”  Metropolitan Home Re-Do, "The New Retreat,”

Metropolitan Home Re-Do, "The Appeal Of Handcrafting,” Glitsch/Hester House

1986                 Jan O'Brien, Cite Magazine, Winter, "Wuppie Housing: New Houses In West University Place",  Zvonkovic House

1986                  Rachel Carley, Home Magazine, September, Cover, "A Perfect Relationship", Gelb House

1986                  Editors, Remodeling Ideas, Fall, "Crafted Cottage", Glitsch/Hester House,  "Splish-Splash, But Not Slapdash", Metropolitan Home Re-Do

1986                  Gary McKay, Houston Home & Garden, July, "Designs On Houston”, McAshan House

1985                  Editors, Houston Home & Garden, July, "Architectural Honors”, McAshan House

1985                  Editors, Texas Homes, May, "Architecture Texas Style: The Young & The Restless", McAshan House

1985                  Madeleine Hamm, Houston Chronicle, February 28, "Three Remodeled Houses Take Places In The Winners' Circle", Glitsch/Hester House

1985                  Pam Lewis, The Houston Post, February 10, "Innovative Remodeling Rewarded With Awards", Glitsch-Hester House

1985                  Michael Walker, Metropolitan Home, February, "Our House: We Renovate The Ranch", Metropolitan Home Re-Do

1984                  Michael Walker, Metropolitan Home, October, "Crafting The Cottage", Glitsch/Hester House

1983                  Florence Olsen, Houston Home & Garden, July, "Romantic Victorian: A New Old Look", Glitsch/Hester House

1983                  Nori Miller, Metropolitan Home, July, "Baby Boom Architects"

1983                  Pam Lewis, The Houston Post, July 19, "The Best Of The Baby Boom Architects Have Designs On Success"

1983                  Gary Taylor, Houston City Magazine, March, "Second Stories"

1982                  John Morris Dixon, Progressive Architecture, August, "Urban Cottage", McAshan Townhouse

1982                  James Coote, Texas Architect, July/August, "Texas Housing: A Sampling Of New Development"

1982                  Jeffrey Karl Ochsner, Texas Architect, July/August, Cover, "The McAshan Townhouse, Houston"

1982                  Mary Lance, Texas Homes, July, "Women In Architecture: Four Pioneers Discuss Their Fields And Their Futures"

1982                  Editors, Progressive Architecture, January, "Perspectives On Former Award Winners”, McAshan Townhouse

1981                  Editors, Texas Architect, March/April, "Houston Townhouse”, McAshan Townhouse

1981                  Editors, Progressive Architecture, January, "28th Annual PA Awards: Citation”, McAshan Townhouse



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2012                  Texas Architect, July/August, “The Big Picture” Review of the Tellepsen Family YMCA, Houston, Tx

2008                  Texas Architect, July/August,  “Lost and Found” Review of ShangriLa Botanical Gardens and Nature Center

2007                  Texas Architect, Sep/Oct, p 29, 114 “Houston Legacy: Hugo V. Neuhaus, Jr.” Review of Houston Mod Exhibit of Hugo V. Neuhaus’ career

2006                  Texas Architect, Jul/Aug, p 32-35 “Playing it Up” Review of Christ Lutheran Day School/ Brenham, Texas

2006                  Texas Architect, Jan/Feb, “Smart Growth” Review of Master Plan for The Hockaday School, Dallas, Texas

2005                  TexasArchitect, Nov/Dec 2005, Backpage: “In Between” First Place Award, 2005 National AIA Photography Competition, sponsored by the 

 St. Louis AIA Chapter

2005                  TexasArchitect, Sept/Oct, “De Santos Gallery” Review of TSA 2005 Design Award Winner, Brave Architecture

2004                  Texas Architect, Jan/Feb, “Murcutt Talks to Houston," Review of Glenn Murcutt’s Lecture + the Brazos Projects Exhibit, 2003

2002                  Texas Architect, Sept/Oct, “Passing Judgement,” Review of TSA 2002 Design Awards Jury

2002                  Texas Architect, Sept/Oct, “Linking Others,” TexasArchitect Special Section:  “Taking Texas Places”

2001                  Texas Architect, July/Aug, “Opening Night,” Review of Live Oak Friends Meeting House, Houston

1998                  Texas Architect, Jan/Feb, “Housing: Taking Place,” Guest Editor for Housing Issue

1998                  Texas Architect, Jan/Feb, “Pleasing Site,” Comparison of buildings’ relationship to landscape in 4 Texas Architect’s Projects 


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Houston, TX | 832-322-6500

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